Raw Beauty - Photographs From the Edge of the World
From my recently published book of Faroe Island images now available on Amazon.
The Faroe Islands, a fabled place of my mind, the kind of place that always lived on the edge of my consciousness, a place of Vikings, of shipwrecks, of survival through the desolate centuries, a place of windswept and rain lashed islands in the middle of the North Atlantic. When standing on the edge of a Faroe Island vista you have the distinct impression that you and you alone have discovered the edge of the world. I was unprepared for the raw beauty, the transcendent desolation and a oneness with nature. Wind and rain are an essential part of the Faroes experience, historically and today. The wind scours the land free of trees, and the incessant rain assures a green land filled with waterfalls. Historically in the Faroes, a trip to the other side of the island required either a direct route of a treacherous hike across the spine of the island or a longer trip around the end of the island in a wooden boat. Boats are everywhere in the Faroes, as no place in the islands are more than 3 miles from the sea. Today the islands are filled with wide vistas, with tiny villages wedged between the high tide mark and the foot of mountain slopes, and valleys that holds secret jewels only to be revealed to those who visit.